In Saltillo, Ramos Arizpe is the benchmark submarket, with 73% of sales, while 17% was in Arteaga and 10% in Saltillo / Derramadero.
After registering a loss of 25 thousand jobs in 2020 during the pandemic, the recovery brought an important industrial activity in Saltillo, since during 3Q21 there were 14 transactions that totaled 170 thousand m2, which in its accumulated includes a total of 300 thousand m2 of gross absorption (includes pre-leased spaces and renovations), a figure that is more than double that registered in 2020.
Currently, for August 2021, 380 thousand jobs are registered in the manufacturing sector and generating 10 thousand additional formal jobs to those that were at pre-pandemic levels, at least as of December 2019.
During 2021, 67% of the operations carried out have been for spaces developed to measure or build-to-suit, while 33% have been in existing speculative spaces.
In the year, 86% of the transactions have been from established companies that are expanding their operations.