IMMEX (Manufacturing Industry and Export Services) allows the temporary import of merchandise to elaborate, transform or repair products that will be exported.
The objective of IMMEX is to have annual exports of $ 500,000 USD per year or, at least 10% of your total billing will be invoiced to the foreigner, for which you must submit purchase orders, contracts, etc. It is also important that the company has facilities and a process according to its modality.
In order to have IMMEX, the company must have an automated and updated storage control (Annex 24), present monthly and annual reports, comply with the amount-amount of export, as well as continuous compliance with the requirements of the initial request.
One of the main benefits of this scheme is to be able to make temporary imports by eliminating some non-tariff regulations and being able to defer the payment of the General Import Tax.
Regarding the validity of this program, it is available as long as the owner complies with the requirements foreseen for it to be granted, as well as with the obligations established in the decree.
IMMEX is an attractive program for exporting companies and even more so if it is combined with CIVA and / or Prosec, however it is important to mention that these schemes require a correct administration and a considerable administrative burden to avoid possible contingencies, so it is important that the companies allocate the necessary resources for a correct administration.