During April, the manufacturing industry of Nuevo León accumulated its third consecutive month of recovery, this despite weak economic activity, an uncertain political environment and a rise in the prices of raw materials.
However, even when manufacturing performed well, the sector registered a slowdown in some of the indicators when compared to March 2021. According to the expectation survey carried out by Caintra monthly, of the nine indicators, seven show reduction, but they are still in the expansion zone.
The survey measures nine variables, of which seven were located at the expansion threshold, and variables such as exports and imports were placed in contraction. The Caintra survey qualifies as expansion those variables that reach 50 points and as contraction those that register less than 50 points.
In this way, the indexes of physical volume of production and that of new orders fell in April with respect to the previous month; however, they continue to expand with 56.4 and 54.7 points, respectively. In the same sense, there are inventories with 50.5 points and used capacity with 52.8 points in said month.