Metrics Mexico offers flexible storage solutions for biggest enterprises.
The principal Target of using storage is locate the goods in the best possible way and reduce costs.
To get this target is necessary to establish a flow of goods and a series of secondary objectives too:
Rotation of controlled stock
Access to all the goods making the latest number of transfers
Maximum use of storage capacity including Height and surface
Get Carry the caunts and stocktaking in easiest form, besides knowing the status where the products are located.
The Storage logistic has as propuse get an optimal use of space available for storage, that’s why the surface and the volume get analized.
The Information technology and vanguard connectivity offers real-time visibility to stocktaking. This combination of distribution and technology solutions offers seamless control of the supply chain.
– Immex Storage
– Cross Coupling
– Pick and pack
– fulfilment of orders
– Stocktaking managed by the provider
– Distribution of finished goods
– Kan Ban systems
If you are taking advantage of the low-cost sourcing opportunities, expanding to new markets or increasing your manufacturing space to get flexible solutions, we offer you the most flexible entries and exits benefits in the market, key to the Today’s global competitive environment.