The 5’s Importance in a production line

The 5’s Techniques helps to expose the waste by separating unnecessary things from the work area.  
It’s a Technique with 5 simple steps to find generate more organized, clean and better environment workplaces. It’s necessary to support the standardization of work and include a personal approach oriented towards continuous improvement.
5’s meaning and rules:

  1. SEIRI: separate yourself from what do you don’t need.
  2. SEITON: organizes tooling, materials, necessary information for daily use.
  3. SEISO: clean the work environment, including machines and tools.
  4. SEIKETSU: maintain the person through the use of appropriate work clothes, glasses, gloves and safety shoes.
  5. SHITSUKE: It is the habit of making these activities part of your daily work, acquire self-discipline.

Metrics Mexico has certified personnel to help your industry organize, order, clean, standardize and maintain it.

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